Murapol News Murapol’s Investments Awarded!

Murapol’s Investments Awarded!

We build apartments for our clients so that they can find whatever they need and are looking for: peace, security, comfort and convenience. We are particularly pleased when our efforts in creating #MurapolNajlepszeMiejscaNaSwiecie (#MurapolTheBestPlacesInTheWorld) are appreciated by our customers. In the second quarter of 2021 our investments enjoyed great interest among the users of website, as evidenced by the awards granted to us by the editorial office.

1st places in respective categories were awarded to Murapol Nadmorskie Tarasy in Gdynia and Murapol Nowa Przędzalnia in Łódź. Two of our investments won silver: Murapol Parki Krakowa in Cracow and Murapol Malta in Poznań. The third place was awarded to our investment in Katowice, the Murapol Dębowe Tarasy estate.

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