Murapol News Residential EXTRA 8 in your city

Residential EXTRA 8 in your city

Are you looking for a good opportunity to buy a flat? Or maybe you want to invest attractively in real estate? Take part in the current promotion in which we are offering 8 flats and/or investment apartments each with bonus packages in 13 cities: Bielsku-Białej, Bydgoszczy, Chorzowie, Gdańsku, Gliwicach, Krakowie, Lublinie, Łodzi, Poznaniu, Siewierzu, Sosnowcu, Toruniu i Wrocławiu.

By choosing a unit from the Mieszkaniowa EXTRA 8, you can gain the following at a promotional price: a discount, up to 2 parking spaces in the underground garage hall or above ground, a smart home in the premium version and insurance against the loss of a regular source of income. The value of your bonus package can reach up to PLN 255,000!

Do not hesitate! Click here and order the promotional list of investment apartments and flats!

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