Murapol News Murapol Group is the leader of the National Ranking of the Best Developers!

Murapol Group is the leader of the National Ranking of the Best Developers!

The editors of Strefa Gospodarki and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna selected the best residential developers in the country for the 4th time. We are proud to announce that our company took the 1st place in the ranking! This is another year in a row when we land at the very top of the list.

The purpose of the ranking is not only to distinguish the best real estate development companies, but also to present readers with basic information related to the companies operating throughout the country. Both technical and financial issues were analyzed. Also taken into account were “soft” data, i.e. the policy of assistance and support for customers interested in buying a new apartment, the company's involvement in the life of local communities, as well as the emphasis placed on designing modern and practical investments.

Thank you for this recognition!

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