Murapol News We summarize the results after the first half of 2024

We summarize the results after the first half of 2024

From January to June 2024 GK Murapol signed 1,438 development and preliminary agreements with retail customers, an increase of 5. 5% year-on-year. We handed over the keys to 1,295 modern units to our customers during this period. In the first half of 2024 we introduced 2,285 units in 9 cities, including Wrocław, Łódź, Poznań, Gdańsk, the Silesian Agglomeration, as well as a new location on the map of operations - Lublin. As of June 30, 2024, the Murapol Group's portfolio included more than 4,500 units in 16 cities, and our portfolio of projects under construction amounted to a record 8,494 units being built as part of 29 projects in 14 Polish cities. At the end of the first half of the year, we had an active land bank for the construction of more than 21,900 units with a total net usable area of nearly 945,000 square meters in 19 cities.

In more than 23 years of operation, we have completed 84 multi-phase developments, with 434 buildings comprising a total of more than 29.6 thousand units with a total usable area of nearly 1.33 million square meters.

Detailed information on the results of our operations is available here.

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