Murapol News Summary of Q1 results 2022 in Murapol Group

Summary of Q1 results 2022 in Murapol Group

The first quarter of the new year was unquestionably successful to us. Murapol Group can boast of stable sales results, high number of apartment handovers and the constantly supplemented and extended offer of premises.

Within three months we sold 764 apartments, while 805 were given at disposal of our customers. In the last quarter we also introduced to the market an additional pool of 1.080 apartments, thanks to which our offer has been constantly catering for the needs of both clients and market. As of 31.03.2022 we have 6,801 premises under construction in 20 investments carried out in 13 cities. The land bank, as of the end of the first quarter, includes over 21.6 thousand of residential premises.

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