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Basic information about Murapol Group
The Murapol Group has been present on the residential property market in Poland since 2001, which makes it one of the country’s most experienced residential developers. Since the beginning of its operations until 31 December 2024, the Group has completed 92 multiphase development projects with approximately 31,800 units. Its investment map (completed projects, projects under construction, and projects in the pipeline) includes a total of 21 cities, both agglomerations and smaller cities, which allow the Murapol Group to reach a wide group of clients and to tap into the growth of not only the biggest residential markets, but also local markets across Poland.
With its sales and handover results, the Murapol Group ranks continuously among the largest residential developers in Poland.
The Murapol Group’s offer is focussed on the broadest and most absorptive segments of the residential property market, i.e. affordable and affordable premium, predominantly two- and three-room units with an area of 35 to 55 m2. As of 30 December 2024, the average area of units offered by the Group was approximately 46 m2. Apartments with such parameters are the most sought-after among customers, as reflected in the high rate of sales of the units added to the offer.
Another competitive advantage of the Murapol Group is its large, regularly renewed and enlarged landbank, which allows for the construction of about 19,300 units in 19 Polish cities (as of the end of December 2024).