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Transactions with related entities
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Murapol listed on WSE
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- The company
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- Murapol listed on WSE
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Transactions with related entities
Fulfilling obligations arising from art. 90i of the Act of 29 July 2005 on public offer and conditions for introducing financial instruments to organized trading system and on public companies (Journal of Laws of 2005 no. 184 pos. 1539, as amended), Murapol S.A. enters information about important transactions concluded with related entities.
Company of a related entity / Name and surname if a related entity is a natural person | Description of the nature of relationship between a company and a related entity with whom a transaction is concluded | Date of transaction conclusion | Value of a transaction | Information necessary to assess whether a transaction has been concluded based on a commercial basis and it is justified by the interest of the company and the shareholders not being the related entities, including minority shareholders |
Lack of such transactions