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- Murapol listed on WSE
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Strategy aimed at sustainable growth
The objective of the Murapol Group is sustainable growth and maintaining a strong position in the real estate deve- lopment industry. It plans to further develop and scale up its operations in Poland. The Group expects to sell about 2,900 units to retail customers in 2023, and about 3,700–3,800 units in 2024. Alongside the growing sales to retail customers, the Murapol Group plans to benefit from the growth opportunities in the developing PRS market.
It expects to sell about 700 units to LifeSpot in 2023, and about 1,300 units in 2024. The Murapol Group intends to continue its strategy of geographic diversification of operations in Poland. To this end, it constantly supplements and enlarges its landbank, and plans to acquire new development sites in the cities where it currently operates, as well as locations in new cities. It is considering Częstochowa, Kielce, Olsztyn, Rzeszów and Szczecin, among other cities.
In the upcoming years, the Murapol Group intends to implement ESG measures and an ESG strategy, and to report on ESG in compliance with the regulatory conditions in Poland and the EU.